I find myself writing the most about the intersectional experiences of being black and queer, and juxtaposing it with peculiar worlds and situations. I’m interested in the different faces love wears and how they contort how people interact with one another.
Below you’ll find samples of my most recent/notable work.
Spew’s Little Baby
Cordyceps and Candidae are immortal fungi in love who have been chasing each other for millennia. Spew and Baby are human, strangers, and have weak immune systems. Everyone is new to Martha’s Vineyard, where getting to know your neighbors might just mean getting very, very deep under their skin…
Strays For Play
A gritty maelstrom of betrayal, and uncertainty, Strays For Play explores what one passes on to their children and the true cost of a champion mindset.
The United States Government has commandeered a section of land for criminals to live among each other as a form of prison reform. Under this new order, prisoners are paired off with prisoners born on the same day as them to live out the rest of their sentences.